The calling
Melt is people
We were never about just being an aesthetically pleasing place that would look good on an Instagram feed, even so we have many stories to share.
Delicious and authentic food served in a cozy, friendly environment is only possible because of our kind people of Melt and their positive outlook on their surroundings. It's not just a job. It's more like a calling.

Konobar / Barista
Trazimo osobu na poziciji konobar / barista po mogućnosti s više godišnjim iskustvom.
Radom u Meltu svaki dan možete očekivati ukusni doručak, kavu i gelato. Nudimo i druge pogodnosti kao što su mjesečni bonusi i pozitivno radno okruženje, mogućnost petodnevnog rada što bi značilo dva slobodna dana, bonus na dodatnu prodaju. Ako se vidite kao potencijalni kandidat, kontaktirajte nas već danas kako bismo dogovorili sastanak na kojem ćemo vam dati sve detalje o našem otvorenom radnom mjestu.
Biti dio Melta znači biti dio zajednice. Svi smo timski igrači, pazimo jedni na druge i zajedno dijelimo odgovornost u održavanju Melta sretnim i ugodnim prostorom za rad uz vrhunsku uslugu.
Veselimo se vašim prijavama na
English Version
We are currently actively looking for a new long-term waiter and / or versatile barista to join our team. While working at Melt you have access to a delicious brunch, coffee and gelato every single day. We also provide other benefits such as monthly bonuses and a positive working environment! If you have at least one year of experience, contact us today to arrange a meeting in which we will give you all the details about our open position.
Being part of the people of Melt means being part of the community. We are all team players, we look out for each other and share the responsibility together in keeping Melt a happy and enjoyable space with superior service.
If you recognize yourself in the given description, send us an application on
Care to join us?